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Nutritionist Day: a commitment to food

Grupo Arcor celebrates nutritionists and highlights their valuable task of teaching us to improve our diet.

Educate, preserve and care for your health. Like every year, on August 11th we celebrate those professionals who work every day to improve the quality of life of the population through food. In Argentina and throughout Latin America, on this date we celebrate the birth of Pedro Escudero, an Argentine doctor who promoted the field of nutrition throughout the region and who, in 1927, created the Municipal Institute of Nutritional Diseases (later National Institute of Nutrition). Pedro was also the founder of the Argentine Association of Nutrition and Dietology and the Argentine Diabetes Society.

“Nutritionists have a varied and multifaceted role. I believe that we must be in every part of the food system, as well as in the key parts of health policy to generate prevention, and also form part of a team of interdisciplinary health professionals to carry out diet therapy”, says Luciana Paduano (MN2731), member of the Board of Directors of the Association of Nutritionists of the City of Buenos Aires (AADYND). According to Luciana, she chose this profession to contribute to a healthier world: “because food is a universal right and in order to express our full genetic potential it is essential to have an adequate diet from birth. I am passionate about helping people to have a better quality of life”, she adds.

Sandra Sartor (MP1352) arrived to nutrition through sports. “I am passionate about the bond that people have with food. I think that is what constitutes us and that is why it is so important”, she says. A nutritionist’s job "is about educating and sensitizing those who make decisions so that they begin to think about the epidemic of food problems that we have and teach what we mean by a good diet", she says.

Nutritionist Gabriela Saad (MP 1394) considers that a great contribution can be made to the community by “helping people to achieve a change in favor of looking and feeling good. To make better decisions in pursuit of your health and wellness goals. NO SUFFERING, NO GUILT. There are no good or bad foods, neither bread makes you fat, nor does going off your diet make you a transgressor. We talk about symptoms, needs, and links, even with food”.

What is a good diet?

"One that includes all food groups, that is varied and appropriate to tastes and biological moments", answers Luciana. “It is one that can be sustained, that it is according to my culture, my habits, my history, my age and my physical activity, and that gives me what I need every day”, adds Sandra.

In order to summarize basic advice, Sandra says that “the best diet is that in which you don't know what you are doing”. She adds that “it is important to eat calmly, sitting at a table and, if possible, accompanied. In addition, we must not lose sight of the importance of pleasure, which plays a very strong role in eating".

For Gabriela, “diets must be varied and sufficient in quantity, harmonious in the proportion of its contribution in macro and micronutrients, and adequate considering personal variables, both biological, psychosocial and cultural. For this reason, diets recommended by acquaintances, non-professionals or preset, regardless of the intake and health status, are not safe, since they are not personalized, nor are they validated by a professional expert in Nutrition”.

Nutrition at Arcor

One of the axes of Arcor's Sustainability strategy is Active Living and Healthy Nutrition. In 2013, a Nutritional Platform was created that works to improve the nutritional profiles of our products. Later, a Nutrition and Healthy Living Habits Committee was established, made up of a multidisciplinary team whose objective is to define the corporate nutrition and healthy life strategy for the entire Arcor Group.

This Committee has the external advice of specialists who help us to enhance the scope of our actions to continue generating value in the community.


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