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The Argentine Food Code (CAA, as per its initials in Spanish) approved by Law No. 18,284 establishes the health and hygiene, food scientific and commercial identification provisions set forth in the Food Regulation. The CAA's 22 chapters regulate all food, beverages and food additives that are manufactured, packaged, kept, transported and marketed at the facilities, as well as the individuals or businesses that produce them: that is, natural or legal persons. The Code also establishes that, prior to the start of their activities, manufacturing and packaging companies must complete the registration and authorization procedures before the competent health authorities to obtain their National Register of Establishment number (RNE, as per its initials in Spanish). Before being launched to the market, each product must be authorized to be marketed through registration at the National Registry of Food Product (RNPA; as per its initials in Spanish).
The main objective of this code is to protect public health and to provide an equity framework to commercial transactions of food products.
Arcor Group manufactures its products pursuant to the regulations of the different countries in which it has manufacturing plants, and the regulations of the countries to which it exports.
For further information about the Argentine Food Code, please visit the website:
In accordance with current legislation (Argentine Food Code), products in packages with a surface area of less than 100 cm 2 are exempted from displaying their nutritional information. This exemption does not apply to special-purpose food or packages that include a statement regarding nutritional properties (e.g. "cholesterol-free".)
Arcor's product portfolio include some examples of individual packages that do not display any nutritional information, namely: individual units of milk chocolate, Bon o Bon wafer bonbons filled with peanut cream, and some candies such as Butter Toffees. Nevertheless, the secondary packaging of the small units displays the nutritional information per unit and per 100 grams of product.
This same information is also shown in Arcor's website.
In accordance with regulations, the ingredients and/or food additives present, even in a modified manner, in the finished product are displayed in decreasing order of concentration at the time of food manufacturing.
According to Mercosur Resolution No. 46/03 on Packaged Food Nutritional Labeling, if the food product contains less than 0.5 g of fiber per serving, its fiber content should be indicated as "0 g" (zero), or alternatively, the wording "Not a significant source of fiber" may be included at the bottom of the table, or at the end of the nutritional information.
The word Kosher means "fit" or "lawful". It applies to food that meets the dietary criteria established by Jewish religious laws. These criteria are not related to food or health aspects but to rituals. The certification involves a procedure that guarantees that a food product complies with Kosher requirements.
Upon request of the external market, Arcor manufactures some confectionery products and chocolates under this certification.
The Halal Guarantee Certification is the procedure used to ensure and certify that the content and manufacturing process of a product aimed at Muslims meets the requirements of Islamic law and is therefore suitable for consumption.
Arcor has a glucose syrup certified as Halal.
INS stands for “INTERNATIONAL NUMBERING SYSTEM”. It has been prepared by the Codex Committee on Food Additives (CCFA) to provide an agreed international numerical system for identifying food additives in ingredient lists.
EThe Green Dot was devised in Germany in 1991 by Duales System Deutschland (DSD.) It was created as a consequence of the German Ordinance on Packaging Waste Management, in force since June 12, 1991. This Ordinance legally requires points of sale retailers and manufacturers, to collect and recycle the packaging (transport, secondary and sales packaging).
The Green Dot indicates that a contract has been entered into with a packaging waste recovery company, in accordance with the provisions of local legislation in the countries that are part of the system and pursuant to the European Directive 94/62/EC (in the EU member states.)
It is important to note that the Green Dot is not a recycling symbol and it is not freely usable.
The manufacturers, distributors or importers placing into the market products that generate packaging waste must have in place a collection and recycling system in the countries that joined the Green Dot system (or organize the recovery on their own, together with the relevant documents), in accordance with the European Directive 94/62/EC and local laws.
In order to include the Green Dot in the packaging, a royalty or license fee should be paid. The amount to be paid shall be fixed based on the material type, weight and volume (for example, volume/area.) License is not for general use. If a manufacturer or distributor or importer is registered in a given country and has paid a license fee (for example, to DSD, Germany), and exports its products to another country member of PRO-Europe (for example, Spain), such manufacturer or distributor or importer must register and pay a new license fee to the collection company in the destination country.
Their purpose is to establish the nature of the packaging material(s) used for recycling and reuse. The requirements apply to all types of packaging material and to all packaging waste, regardless of whether it is used or produced in industry, commerce, offices, business premises, services, homes, or elsewhere, whatever the materials used. It includes primary, secondary and tertiary packaging. The nature of the container is identified by a specific numbering and abbreviations:
Each material or combination of materials corresponds to a single number, e.g. polystyrene is identified by the number 6.
The identification system may also use the abbreviation for the relevant material(s) (e. g. HDPE: high density polyethylene). Numbers and/or abbreviations may be used for identification purposes.
The identification marks shall appear in the center of or below the graphical marking indicating the reusable or recoverable nature of the packaging. It is advised to use the numbering system.
Its use is mandatory for products marketed in the European Union.
Symbol color: not established. A color with the highest contrast against the background must be used.
There are various graphic symbols used for this purpose. By way of example, we can mention: The purpose of these symbols is to raise awareness on waste packaging released into the environment, urging people not to do that. The symbol is not endorsed by any official identification system. Use: It must be placed on all products that may be consumed outdoors. Symbol color: not established. A color with the highest contrast against the background must be used.
All prepackaged products exported to the European Union must bear, apart from the nominal quantity (Qn) in volume or mass units, the lower case letter ‘e’ of a minimum height of 3 mm placed on the same visual area of the Qn expression.
This symbol indicates compliance with Directive 71/316/EEC.
It is a 13-digit code with a pre-determined structure, the purpose of which is to unequivocally identify a product.
Allergens and substances which trigger adverse reactions in susceptible individuals must be indicated on food labels. Given the importance of the presence of allergens in food, Arcor has a harmonized approach as regards the declaration of allergens in food in accordance with Argentine regulations (SPReI Joint Resolution and SAV N° 11-E/2017) and the regulations in the country where it operates.
The word "CONTAINS" in UPPERCASE and bold type is printed at the end of the list of ingredients, followed by the names of the major allergens, if present as such, or under the legend "DERIVED FROM..." if ingredients are derived from a major allergen (for example, soy lecithin, malt extract, whey, casein/caseinate, etc.)
Allergens that may be present as a consequence of unavoidable cross contamination (*) shall be indicated by the statement "MAY CONTAIN ...”, followed by the name of the major food allergen or "MAY CONTAIN DERIVATIVES OF ...". as applicable. (*) serán declarados mediante la leyenda “PUEDE CONTENER... “, seguida del nombre del alérgeno mayor o “PUEDE CONTENER DERIVADOS DE …” según corresponda
(*) "Unavoidable cross contamination" refers to the type of contamination that, even if Good Manufacturing Practices are applied, cannot be avoided, causing small amounts (traces) of allergenic to be present in the product.
Lactose is a sugar found in milk, and people with lactose intolerance should avoid products containing lactose.
Lactose-intolerant people should read the list of ingredients to determine whether the product is safe for consumption.
There are no foods 100% "suitable for diabetics", instead, diabetics should have a doctor-supervised balanced diet including all foods.
There is no legislation that defines food as "suitable for diabetics", so it is not possible to use this phrase on food labels.
We continue working for you to enjoy our products./p>
It is an autoimmune disorder characterized by chronic inflammation of the proximal small intestine or jejunum, caused by exposure to gliadin, a vegetal protein found in some cereals such as wheat, oats, barley or rye. Gliadin is also called gluten.
The enzyme tissue transglutaminase modifies this protein and the immune system cross reacts with the bowel tissue, causing an inflammatory reaction that leads to flattening of the lining of the small intestine, which interferes with the absorption of nutrients.
The celiac disease was declared of national interest by Law No. 26,588 (2009).
Based on this Law and its regulations, a range of impactful resolutions were passed affecting gluten-free manufacturers and the Health Authority, namely:
At a later stage, the Federal Program of Food Control focused on the topic, requiring the following:
Arcor Group has been working for many years to increase the Gluten-free Food offering. Thus, products that were not originally designed or registered as "gluten-free" were, at a later stage, subject to internal work to achieve gluten-free status and the relevant authorization after their initial launch.
The National Food Institute (INAL, as per its initials in Spanish) has prepared a "Complete List of Gluten-free Foods", which is available on the ANMAT. website.
Every time our Company registers a product as "Gluten-free", it will be incorporated in said list, provided that the Health Authority reports the jurisdiction in which the product is registered.
For a food to be approved by the Health Authority and then marketed as "Gluten-free", it must be produced in a manufacturing plant duly authorized to manufacture such products. The authorization involves a visit by the health authorities to ensure that Good Manufacturing Practices are applied and prevent cross-contamination in final product.
Then, the products manufactured must be authorized with the "Gluten-free" status, provided that their gluten content does not exceed 10 mg/kg (analytically determined by recognized laboratories using official methodology), they display the "gluten-free" label and next to it "Without TACC ", and they bear the official logo.
The "gluten-free" status is verified using techniques assessed and authorized by the National Health Authority. The official analytical technique used for the detection of gluten is an enzyme immunoassay (ELISA), with a gluten detection limit of 10 mg/kg (equal to 0.5 mg% of gliadin.)
The laboratories where the test are conducted must be member of the National Network of Official Laboratories for Food Analysis (RENALOA, as per its initials in Spanish.)
Click on the following link for further information:
Law No. 26,588 declares of national interest the medical care, clinical and epidemiological research, professional training in early detection, diagnosis and treatment of celiac disease. Passed on December 2, 2009 — Enacted: December 29, 2009
A balanced diet should contain the type and amount of food required by the body, depending on age, sex and activity, among others. All foods are necessary, in the right amount.
Food contains carbohydrates, lipids, proteins minerals, vitamins and water.
a) Carbohydrates in the diet are mainly found in plant-based foods such as bread, cookies, rice, potatoes, pulses, flours and various cereals, and in smaller proportion, in milk and other products.
Around 60% of our daily energy intake should come from carbohydrates.
b) Lipids include fats, oils and cholesterol, among other elements. Around 30% of our daily energy intake should come from lipids, ensuring that there is a balance between fats containing saturated fatty acids (derived from animal sources) and monounsaturated fatty acids (vegetables) and fats containing polyunsaturated fatty acids (found in fish and some vegetables.)
c) Proteins are present, mainly in meat, fish, dairy products, eggs, some vegetables and other foods. Around 15% of our total daily energy intake should come from proteins.
d) Minerals include all inorganic elements. For example, sodium, potassium, chloride, calcium, magnesium, iron and iodine, which are essential for the proper functioning of our body.
e) Vitamins are necessary organic compounds that our body cannot synthesize and must be included in the diet.
Carbohydrates, also known as glucides, can be found almost exclusively in foods of plant origin.
Carbohydrates have energy storage and protein saving functions and help regulate the fat and structural metabolism.
Polyols are a category of carbohydrates (also known as sugar alcohols) characterized for being a family of sweet -tasting organic chemical compounds. They are used in many food applications as sugar-substitute sweeteners (sucrose.) Polyols have low calorie content and due to their low fermentability, they do not contribute to the formation of cavities. That is why they are found in chewing gum, toothpaste and other products.
They are a group of organic molecules found in the plant and animal kingdom. Although lipids are often called fats, this is incorrect as fats are just one type of lipids of animal origin. Lipids serve a variety of functions in living organisms, such as energy storage (triglycerides), structural (phospholipid bilayer), and regulatory or hormonal (steroids), transporting and biocatalyst function. They are also involved in gray matter development, the metabolism and growth.
Trans-fatty acids are a type of fatty acid naturally present, in small amounts, in the milk and body fat of ruminants. In addition, trans fats can be industrially produced by hydrogenating oils to harden and stabilize them.
Our body needs a certain amount of fat to perform important functions, such as energy storage or structural functions.
Experts and international organizations —such as WHO, FAO— recommend that lipids should be limited to between 15 and 30 per cent of total daily energy intake, and saturated fats to less than 10 per cent.
Within Mercosur, daily nutrient reference values for total fats and saturated fats were determined to be 55 g and 22 g respectively. There is scientific evidence that a high intake of saturated fats, trans fats, and cholesterol increases the risk of blood cholesterol levels, which, in turn, may increase the risk of coronary heart disease. Therefore, it is recommended to limit the intake of these fats in the diet.
They are products extracted from seeds or oleaginous fruits.
They are vegetable oils subjected to a so-called "hydrogenation" process that increases their melting point, making them more solid at room temperature and more resistant to oxidation.
The hydrogenation process can be full or partial. Partial hydrogenation causes the formation of trans fatty acids. During full hydrogenation, trans fatty acids disappear.
Fats and oils are used to provide different sensory qualities such as smoothness and creaminess, and nutritional and functional characteristics, such as emulsification and structural properties. Hydrogenated vegetable oils and beef tallow are raw materials authorized by the Argentine Food Code (Chapter VII) as well as by worldwide food regulations, including the Codex Alimentarius of the FAO/WHO.
No. However, what may be damaging to health is a high intake of trans fats, the main source of which, as explained before, is hydrogenated vegetable oils.
It should be noted that fully hydrogenated oils do not contain trans fatty acids. The oils that contain trans fatty acids are the partially hydrogenated ones only.
- PRODUCTS WITH THE “0%TRANS FATS” LABEL: Manufactured with high oleic sunflower oil.
- PRODUCTS WITHOUT THE “0%TRANS FATS” LABEL: Some are manufactured using beef tallow (which may contain minimal amounts of natural trans fatty acids) and others using vegetable fats that contain minimal amounts of partially hydrogenated oils. Products not bearing the “0%TRANS FATS” label must comply with the requirements prescribed by Argentine law regarding the content of industrial trans fatty acids. That is, trans fatty acids should not exceed 2% of the total fat content in vegetable oils and margarines, and 5% of the total fat content in other foods.
In Argentina, trans fat content in food is limited by law.
In 2010, through SPReI Joint Resolution No. 137/2010 and SAGyP No. 941/2010, Section 155 tris was incorporated into the Argentine Food Code, establishing that the content of industrially produced trans fatty acids in food shall not exceed 2% of the total fat content of vegetable oils and margarines or 5% of the total fat content in other foods. This resolution came into force in December 2014.
Arcor Group's internal policy is more stringent than the law, as it establishes that trans fats in all its products shall not exceed 2% of the total fat content.
In order to comply with the law as well as with Arcor Group's internal policy, the use of partially hydrogenated oils in the Company's products was significantly reduced. Currently, 100% of Arcor Group's products in Argentina comply with this internal policy.
Oleo oil (bovine or ovine, as appropriate) is the product obtained from separating oilstearin from fats or Premier Jus, bovine or ovine, through adequate crystallization, fractionation and pressing processes.
Vegetable oils are liquid at room temperature. However, in order to use them in margarines and shortenings, these oils are hydrogenated, that is, treated with hydrogen to harden them and make them more saturated.
Omega-3 fatty acids are essential fatty acids, which means that the human body cannot produce them from other substances and must be incorporated through the diet.
They are found in high proportion in the tissues of certain fish and some plant sources such as flax seeds, chia seeds, nuts, milk and eggs, among others.
The first thing to bear in mind as about cholesterol is that we can find two types of fats in nature:
1) From animal sources: such as fat from meat, milk, butter, fat produced by our own body, among other fats that contain cholesterol.
2) From plant sources: they do not contain cholesterol.
That is, cholesterol is a lipid found in the body tissues and blood plasma of vertebrates, its origin is purely animal. Likewise, it is important to note that cholesterol, in a proper amount, has vital and major roles in the functioning of the human body. The human body needs cholesterol to generate cell membranes and naturally produce vitamin D, hormones, bile salts, etc.
They are macromolecules made up of linear chains of amino acids. Proteins play a vital role in life. They are essential for body growth and perform and enormous amount of different functions such as; structural (collagen and keratin), regulatory (insulin and growth hormone), among other functions.
Amino acids are organic molecules. Depending on their source, they are called essential. They are the ones that the body cannot create and must be supplied to the body through diet.
The lack of these amino acids in the diet limits body growth, as it is not possible to regenerate cells in dying tissue or create new tissue. Non-essential amino acids are amino acids that can be synthesized by the body.
Dietary or food fiber is the structural part of plant foods (cellulose, hemicellulose, pectin and lignin) which cannot be digested by humans.
Traditionally considered a complex carbohydrate, dietary fiber can be divided into two main groups according to their chemical characteristics and effects on the body. These two types are known as soluble and insoluble fiber.
Yes, because it acts as an intestinal sweeper, thus preventing pathologies such as hemorrhoids, diverticulosis and constipation. Fiber also helps prevent colon cancer and heart disease by reducing blood cholesterol levels.
For a food to be considered "high fiber" according to the Argentine Food Code, it must contain at least 6.0g of fiber per 100g of product in the case of solids and 3.0g of fiber per 100g of product in the case of liquids.
Pectin is a substance naturally found, to a greater or lesser degree, in all fruits, and has the property of forming gels. For this reason, this substance is used as a thickening agent (gelling agent), for example, in the production of marmalades.
The properties of gelatin and pectin are similar, but the former is of animal origin.
Vitamins are chemical substances that cannot be synthesized by the human body. They are present in small quantities in food, and are essential for life, health, physical and daily activities. As vitamins do not provide energy, they are not a source of calories. They facilitate substrate transformation through metabolic pathways.
It promotes growth and vision. The body can get vitamin A in two ways: by producing it from carotene (found in vegetables such as carrots, broccoli, squash, spinach and cabbage) or by eating food that comes from animals that feed on these vegetables and have already performed the transformation.
Most B vitamins are essential for metabolizing carbohydrates.
Thiamine also regulates some nervous system functions.
It combines with proteins to form enzymes that play a role in the metabolism of carbohydrates, fats, and specially, the proteins responsible for carrying oxygen. It also aids in the maintenance of mucous membranes.
This vitamin has direct effects on the nervous system and mood.
It is a key enzyme in basal metabolism. It promotes hair growth. Vitamin B6 - Pyridoxine.
Pyridoxine is needed to absorb and metabolize amino acids. It helps the body use fats and form red blood cells.
It participates in the formation of fatty acids and in the release of carbohydrates.
Coenzyme that assists in the formation of structural proteins and hemoglobin. It is used in the treatment of anemia and psilosis.
In small quantities, it is necessary for nucleoprotein red blood cell formation.
Vitamin C is found in most fruits, has antioxidant properties and facilitates absorption of other vitamins and minerals contained in the daily diet. It helps in the development of connective tissue (skin), wound healing and general improvement of the immune system.
It plays a major role in the formation and maintenance of bones and teeth. Vitamin D helps absorb and fix calcium, facilitating good body development.
Vitamin E aids in the formation of red blood cells, muscles, and other tissues. It facilitates blood circulation and helps stabilize female hormones, helping pregnancy and childbirth.
It is necessary for blood clotting.
It is the egg protein present in egg white.
It is a natural, refined wax, obtained from the leaves of a tropical palm tree that grows in Brazil (Copernicia cerifera.) It is used in chocolate candies as coating agent, providing them with a shiny finish.
It is a coloring that gives food a white color.
It is an artificial red food coloring.
It contributes to product preservation, that, is prevents microbial growth.
Iron salt added to flour to obtain enriched flour. It is not a food additive, but a monosodic glutamate — it is used as a flavor enhancer. It is not added directly to cornmeal instead, it is an ingredient of the flavorings used.
It is usually present in soups, stocks and snacks.
This ingredient is used in the manufacture of chewing gum. It is of synthetic origin and consists mainly of purified food-grade, plasticized ("softened") copolymers accompanied by substances such as waxes, oils, among others.
It is a high molecular weight polysaccharide. It is used as a food additive, and can function as a thickener, stabilizer, or emulsifier..
Isomalt is made from sucrose, and is a mixture of glucose-sorbitol and glucose-mannitol.
Isomalt is a sugar substitute as it functions as a sweetener.
It is derived from corn grain and used as a sweetener.
It is a mixture of polyols. Maltitol syrup is a polyol (a particular type of carbohydrate) with good sweetening power used as a sugar substitute. In addition to their sweetening power, polyols provide fewer calories than the other carbohydrates.
Arcor uses soy lecithin in the manufacture of all its products.
Soy lecithin is a mixture of phospholipids derived by from soybean and it helps emulsify fats in products.
Maltodextrin is a carbohydrate derived from corn starch — thus, it is gluten-free.
This ingredient is used in the manufacture of confectionery.
It is among the most widely used emulsifiers in the food industry and has been used since the 1930s. It is made from vegetable oils or fats.
It is used as a preservative, for example, on panettone, inhibiting the growth of microorganisms.
It is a non-caloric sweetener. Sucralose is the only sweetener that is made from sugar (it is 600 times sweeter than sugar.) It is used worldwide as an ingredient in low-calorie processed foods and beverages, and as a tabletop sweetener.
Artificial coloring.
No. Canned food undergoes thermal processes to eliminate any microorganisms that may be present. Thereafter, the container keeps the food isolated, ensuring its stability over time and preventing recontamination.
Canned fruits and vegetables have their expiration dates on the lid or on bottom of the can.
The expiration date is never stamped on the body of the container.
For example, if the expiration date is 9/30/2005, it means that the product was manufactured either in July, August or September of 2003 and it expires in 2005. The Lot is specified below: L07093009:52, where: L= Lot; 07 is the month (July); 09 day; 3 year; 09:52 time, thus, the product was manufactured on: July 09, 2003 at 09:52 am.
Yes, any canned food can be eaten as it comes in its container, and the temperature at which it is eaten depends on the type of dish to be prepared. For example, a can of corn or peas can be used directly in a salad, but if eating pasta, the sauce should be heated.
They are made of tinplate (iron-steel) with a tin coating.
With special varnishes.
No, it is coated with tin.
Once opened, how and how long does canned food last?
Canned food can be properly preserved if leftovers are removed from the original container and stored in a container with a lid.
In addition, food must be stored in the fridge and eaten within 3 days.
Tomatoes / Vegetables: they can be frozen for 3 to 4 months, storing any leftovers in a container with a lid.
Please note that the product texture will be changed. This is because when the ice crystals that form inside the product get larger, they tear part of the tissues.
Fruits: they should not be frozen, as they lose their structure when thawed.
This is advisable to prevent the food from changing its flavor and color.
The vitamins contained in this vegetable are: A (axerophtol or retinol); B1 (thiamine); B2 (riboflavin); B3 (niacin); and C (ascorbic acid).
Vitamin A allows the adaptation of sight to darkness, maintains the healthiness of the skin and mucous membranes in the digestive and respiratory system, and is also essential for the proper growth of children.
Vitamin B1 is useful to regulate the metabolism of carbohydrates and fatty acids, and helps to the normal function of the heart and nervous, muscular and digestive systems.
Vitamin B2 is essential for normal growth and regulates the metabolism of carbohydrates, proteins and lipids helping to release energy of cells.
Vitamin B3 is necessary to obtain energy in order to maintain healthy skin and digestive functions.
Vitamin C is necessary to maintain strong and healthy tissues, to form bones and teeth, and to increase iron absorption in the small intestine during digestion.
Like most of the vegetables, peas have a low content of sugars and fats. In 100g of product the content of sugars and fats is 14% and 0.5%, respectively.
The difference lies in the moisture of peas at harvesting. For example, green fresh peas are harvested when they have between 70-80% moisture. Then, they are frozen or directly packaged. Due to their high water content, they are not stable over time. On the other hand, dry soaked peas are harvested when they have between 14-17% moisture. They have greater stability and are hydrated once more before sterilization.
It contains maize starch.
Tomato purée:: contains 0.17% added salt.
Soft pulp: contains 0.17% added salt.
Plum Tomatoes: no added salt.
The difference lies in concentration.
Tomato pulp is filtered tomato juice and its concentration is 5 degrees Brix, while tomato purée has a concentration of approximately 8 degrees Brix.
It is the expression of a test that shows the concentration of a product —the higher the value of dry extract the more concentrated the product is. This statement is a requirement of the Argentine Food Code for both tomato purée and tomato extracts.
Tomato purée is more concentrated than peeled tomatoes.
The red color of the fruit is a dye present in the tomato that is called lycopene.
This is a plant pigment, soluble in fats, that accounts for the characteristic red color of tomatoes.
Tomato is high in lycopene and due to its properties it is an actual challenge to remove a stain of tomato from most types of cloths used today in the textile industry.
Both tomato seeds and skin are removed from the juice when the ground product is sifted through a double 0.7 mm diameter sieve (if any seed breaks in the process and its size is less than 0.7 mm, it could be found in the product, but this is a very rare situation).
The tomato soluble solids and fibers will pass to the product.
No, foods of plant origin do not contain cholesterol.
It is a type of oil that has a neutral taste, i.e., it does not add too much aroma or flavor to food so as not to "cover" the aroma or flavor of the other ingredients in the recipe. Corn and sunflower oils are considered neutral, as opposed to olive oil, for example.
A number of chemical and physical changes occur, such as higher viscosity and free fatty acids, development of dark colors, decreased refractive index, surface tension and an increased tendency for the oil to form foam. These changes affect the oil's original characteristics.
Oil should be stored in its original container, tightly closed and away from light.
If oil is stored in the fridge, wax crystals (white cloud) may be formed as a result of the cold and time, affecting its appearance but not its quality.
The shelf life of the oil is directly related to its storage conditions, i.e., if they are met the shelf life will the one specified on the packaging.
Arcor Corn Oil is corn-based only and contains BHT as oxidant (in an amount lower than 200 mg/kg, which is the maximum permitted).
According to literature, corn oil contains approximately 50% of omega-6 fatty acids and 1% of omega-3 fatty acids.
No, Arcor Corn Oil is not hydrogenated.
Oil processing involves the following stages: extraction, degumming, refining and packaging.
These black specks are dark blades coming from the corn germ radicle (this is what will generate the root). They can vary in quantity and size, depending on the dehulling/degermination process. When water is added to cornmeal, these specks tend to float. They are fully harmless, as they are part of the corn grain.
With milk, cheese, eggs, meat and vegetables like tomato sauce.
Between 50 and 60 grams approximately.
Precooked Presto Pronta cornmeal is Kosher Parve, certified by the Chief Rabbinate of Agudath Israel. It does not contain dairy, beef or pork products, or has been in contact with them.
Cornmeal, common or precooked, should be stored in a cool, dry place. It can also be stored in the fridge, in an airtight container to avoid contamination with other products.
Polenta can be frozen. There are two ways to thaw it:
1) Microwave
2) Room temperature
If the microwave is used, polenta consistency will be acceptable, if is left to thaw at room temperature, polenta will be a little bit harder, but gets better when heated. We suggest heating polenta up in a bain-marie so that it does not get dry.
The flavoring used contains a mixture of natural cheese and artificial cheese flavor identical to the natural flavor.
Marmalades are made from whole fruit or fruit pulp, while jellies are made from fruit juice.
Marmalade is manufactured using white sugar (type A sugar) and glucose syrup produced from corn starch.
Arcor reduced-calorie marmalades do not contain artificial sweetener; they use white sugar and glucose syrup for sweetening purposes.
Arcor low-calorie marmalades are reduced in calories, i.e., they contain less sugar than regular ones.
Arcor and Noel reduced-calorie marmalades contain sugar but no non-nutritive sweeteners.
A product can be labeled as "low-calorie" if it contains at least 25% fewer calories than the regular one.
It is not recommended, as marmalade is acid and may curdle the cream.
Using yogurt, cream cheese or ricotta is better.
Marmalades do not contain iodized salts, but they do contain preservatives (potassium sorbate.)
Approximately 15 days, closed with the original lid.
Approximately 45 days in the fridge, covered with its original lid.
Approximately 45 days in the fridge, covered with its original lid.
These products should not be stored in the freezer, because when they are frozen their sugar content is crystallized, resulting in a grainy texture.
The chemical name of vanillin and ethyl vanillin are 4-hydroxy-3-methoxybenzaldehyde and 3-ethoxy-4-hydroxybenzaldehyd, respectively. In general, they are synergistically used to imitate vanilla: vanillin provides the characteristic vanilla flavor, and ethyl vanillin provides a creamy sweet flavor with vanilla notes.
Using ethyl vanillin alone does not provide the characteristic vanilla flavor that is sought.
Ethyl vanillin is known to be best suited for ice creams and flans. In case of fruit flavors, using vanillin yields better results. Vanillin is also used in butter, chocolate flavors, among others.
We use common sweeteners in our products, like sugar for regular products, and aspartame and acelsulfame for low-calorie products.
The dates listed below are indicative, since the shelf life of a product is influenced by the hygienic conditions in which they are stored.
Sponge Cake, Flan, Desserts, Gelatins, Mousse, Ready-made Cakes. Cookies, Brownie and Volcano: four days in the fridge.
Ice cream: one week in a freezer.
Chocolate Arcoa: drink right away.
It is corn starch.
Currently, the sponge cake premix is not suitable for microwave cooking.
Therefore, microwave cooking is not recommended for this type of product, as the sponge cake may not have the desired characteristics.
The sponge cake without any stuffing or topping keeps well for a couple of days. If the cake is stuffed with jam and/or liquor, it may be kept for a week.
In general, it is advisable to store all products in the fridge because low temperatures help delay the growth of microorganisms. However, hygienic conditions in which products are stored are important.
They yield 6 slices
No, because it is not meant to be frozen, and if it is, it would lose its organoleptic characteristics.
Let it sit in the refrigerator for at least 2 hours before serving.
Gelatin is produced by partial hydrolysis of collagen (animal protein found in connective tissue, bones, skin and tendons.)
Flavored and unflavored gelatins are natural, of bovine origin. Gel strength or bloom value of Godet gelatins: the bloom used in the manufacture of our products varies according to the formulations:
* 185 Bloom for regular gelatins.
* 200 Bloom for unflavored gelatins.
* 260 Bloom for low-calorie gelatins.
Pineapple, fig, papaya, kiwi and lemon cannot be added directly.
It is advisable to put the fruit in a bain-marie for a few minutes prior to adding them to the gelatin. In this way, fruit's proteolytic enzymes, which prevent the formation of the gel, will be destroyed.
Cream and milk increase the caloric value, egg white increases the protein value and fruit increases the vitamin value.
Carrageenan is an algae extract, of plant origin, used as a gelling agent..
Nothing other than what is indicated in the instructions should be added. Gelatins are characterized for forming GEL in the presence of cold, so if another component is added, a good result cannot be guaranteed.
No, because water is crystallized and the product structure gets destroyed.
Our gelatins do not provide vitamins because they are not formulated as ingredients. Vitamins could be included in the gelatin formula, but the impact on the product cost should be evaluated.
The dextrose content of Godet low-calorie gelatin dessert powder, cherry flavor and pineapple flavor, is approximately 17%.
This product is used to harden preparations such as desserts, meals, etc. Unflavored gelatin must be previously "hydrated and dissolved in a bain-Marie", that is, a minimum amount of water must be added to achieve dissolution.
Keep in mind: 1 g (1 tablespoon) is dissolved in 30 ml of boiling water.
As the single ingredient of Godet unflavored gelatin is "gelatin", its packaging does not include any list of ingredients.
No, it does not have any food additives.
Flans can be included in children's nutrition for their acceptability, as well as for their energy contribution.
Their high-calorie concentration, soft consistency and milk contribution make them suitable for the elderly.
The nutritional difference lies in the nutritional contribution of the milk used in the manufacture of flans, while gelatin is prepared with water.
Yes, a flan serving can replace approximately ½ glass of milk and a slice of bread, or ½ glass of milk with 15g of unsweetened flakes. The other foods that make up the afternoon snack should be included.
No, because water is crystallized and the product structure gets destroyed.
Cocoa products may contain flavorings (extracts).
In the particular case of chocolates and chocolate coatings, the Argentine Food Code establishes that the use of "flavoring substances as natural and artificial extracts, except those that imitate the flavor and/or aroma of chocolate and/or milk" is authorized.
That is, the use of extracts is only restricted for products named "chocolate", but not for products containing cocoa, such as sugar-and cocoa-based cocoa powder "Arcoa".
Cocoa butter —also called cocoa fat— is the fat substance obtained from cocoa nibs through pressing. As it is of vegetable source, it is dairy-free and therefore cholesterol-free.
Cocoa paste is the product obtained from mechanical disintegration of the cocoa nibs.
The non-fat solids of cocoa are all the components of cocoa with no fat and moisture content.
That is, the group of carbohydrates, fibers, proteins and minerals.
Both emulsifiers are of vegetable origin.
The total solids of cocoa are all the components of cocoa (that is, cocoa butter or cocoa fat) plus the fat-free components (fat-free cocoa solids.)
Flavonoids are natural compounds (metabolites) that are found in vegetables and are largely present in cocoa beans. They act in the body as antioxidants, since they eliminate the free radicals generated in the organism that cause damages to cells.
Flavonoids are found in cocoa; therefore, dark and semi-dark chocolates contain a larger quantity of this substance than milk chocolates. Among Arcor's products, those containing greater quantity of flavonoids are: Ecuador Águila Chocolate, Costa de Marfil Águila Chocolate, Extrafino Águila Chocolate, and Semi-dark Águila Chocolate.
The main difference between “Chocolate Coating” and “Chocolate” lies in the content of cocoa fat and cocoa fat-free solids.
To comply with the requirements established by the Argentine Food Code, we add different quantities of cocoa butter and cocoa mass for the manufacturing of these products. According to the Argentine Food Code, the “chocolate coating” must contain at least 22.5% of cocoa fat and 4% of fat-free cocoa solids.
According to the same source, the “chocolate” must contain at least 16% of cocoa fat and 16% fat-free cocoa solids.
As detailed above and given that the criterion to arrange the ingredients in an ingredient list is to place them in decreasing order as per their initial weight, the ingredients of both products are the same but they are arranged in a different order.
The Glyceryl Monostearate used in our chocolate plant is 100% vegetable.
As many of the Company's products are marketed in Latin American countries, we have included the statement “Coating Similar to Chocolate” to comply with the laws of Uruguay. Uruguayan laws set forth that any products containing cocoa fat totally or partially replaced with vegetable oils are “Similar to Chocolate”.
The expression “Coating Similar to Chocolate” seeks to harmonize the different denominations recognized by the other Latin American regulations applicable to this type of products.
Product | Cocoa (in %) |
Semi-dark Águila Chocolate | 45 |
Extrafino Águila Chocolate | 60 |
Cholesterol appears only when the chocolate contains milk or milk cream among its ingredients. For this reason, it can be deducted that the pink labeled Águila Baking Chocolate, which is dairy-free, has no cholesterol. As Extrafino Chocolate contains milk cream, the cholesterol content is that mentioned in the nutrition facts label.
Yes, there are chocolates that DO NOT contain milk in their composition, such as the semi-dark line.
However, it should be taken into account that these products may contain traces of milk. This is due to the fact that the manufacturing of Semi-dark Chocolates shares the production line with products containing milk and therefore there is always a chance to find vestiges of milk (casein) in these semi-dark chocolates.
First of all, if you eat a sugar-free solid tablet or chocolate bar (zero sugar) and/or with no sweetener at all, you will find that it has a very astringent (rough, notably bitter) taste.
From a legal point of view, the Argentine Food Code sets forth that “Dark Chocolate” is any chocolate with a sweetener (sugar) content of less than 46%; Águila Extrafino Chocolate meets this requirement.
According to the Argentine Food Code, a “Dark” chocolate contains less than 46% of sweeteners (sugar) in its composition. When the chocolate contains between 46% and 55% of sugar, it is called “Semi-dark” chocolate.
The big difference between the chocolates referred to above, as compared to Milk Chocolate, is precisely that the latter contains milk and dark and semi-dark chocolates are dairy-free.
The difference between Águila Dark Chocolate and Semi-Dark Chocolate is principally sugar content.
The definition of sugar content in accordance with the Argentinean Food Code is:
Product | Sugar Content |
Dark Chocolate | less than 46% |
Semi-Dark Chocolate | between 46% and 55% |
The shelf life of Águila Semi-Dark Chocolate is 12 months.
Cacao content is 50% both in the presentation of droplets and tablets.
The coating with cocoa has a higher fat content, higher heat resistance and less viscosity at the stated working temperatures (coating with cocoa: 45ºC and coating for alfajores: 40ºC.)
On the other hand, the fat-free cocoa solids content in the coating for alfajores is higher than the content present in the coating with cocoa.
Charlotte coating chocolate can be melted in its original container using the bain-Marie method. If you use a microwave oven, you should remove the chocolate from its original container —as it is metallic—, and melt it on low power and in short periods (approx. 30 sec).
Although chocolate is a non-perishable product, such characteristic ceases to exist when cream is added, and its shelf life is determined by the microbiological quality of the cream, the temperature at which it is stored and other external factors, such as microbial flora of the environment. In this way, the product obtained will have a very short life, even if stored in the fridge.
The chocolate must be heated at 42-45º C to ensure that the fatty substance is mixed. At higher temperatures, nutritional and operating properties of raw materials can be changed. Therefore, this chocolate can be heated in a microwave on low power and in short periods (not to exceed 30 sec); however, it is advisable to melt the chocolate using the bain-Marie method with constant agitation to ensure the temperature uniformity in the product.
The best preservation method is to store the chocolate inside a cupboard in a cool dry environment (20°C and 60% RH). Both high and low temperatures affect the characteristics of the product, and produce a chemical phenomenon called fat bloom or chocolate bloom (the fatty substance migrates to the surface and there appears a whitish coating).
The chocolate must be heated at 42-45ºC to ensure that all the fat substance is mixed. At higher temperatures, nutritional and operating properties of raw materials can be changed. Therefore, this chocolate can be heated in a microwave on low power and in short periods (not to exceed 30 sec); however, it is advisable to melt the chocolate using the bain-Marie method with constant agitation to ensure the temperature uniformity in the product.
Chocolate pouches should be preserved in a cool dry environment (20°C and 60% RH). Once the package is opened, it should be stored in the fridge. It can be used until the end of its shelf life.
Cake topping jars should be preserved in a cool dry environment (20°C and 60% RH). Once a jar is opened, it should be stored in the fridge with its original lid. If you see a firm consistency or oil on the surface, it is advisable to stir the product before use. It can be used until the end of its shelf life.
For being a classic feature, the taste is achieved by means of a flavor.
There are certain factors that should be taken into account when using this product: on the one hand, product preservation during its useful life and, on the other hand, the best condition at the time of using it.
The phrase printed on the container: “KEEP IN A COOL DRY PLACE (20°C - 60% RH)” states which are the best conditions to be maintained for the product storage (in the point of sale and/or at home) so that their shelf life is successfully completed and they can reach the end of their shelf life as best as possible. A few minutes before using the product, it would be advisable to expose it to temperatures between 30°C and 35°C (through the bain-Marie method, for example), or otherwise to warm room temperature during a longer period (1 hour approx.). This way, fats will reach their melting point and it will be easier to handle the product.
This product is not suitable to prepare chocolate milk. Although the product may be dissolved under the same conditions as the chocolate used to prepare chocolate milk, the flavor given by this kind of chocolate to the end product will never be achieved.
According to current regulations, the difference between Peanut Wafer and Peanut Tablet lies in the percentage of peanuts contained in the products. In case of Peanut Wafer, this percentage is equal to or greater than 30%. On the other hand, Peanut Tablet has less than 30% of peanuts.
None of the low-calorie filled hard candies, in any of its flavors, contains fats of any nature in its composition. Current regulations require to include the following: “No significant amounts of ... are contained.” This is a simplified model of Nutritional Information to be included for those nutrients whose content is below the minimum declarable value, even for those whose value is zero, such as the trans fats of these candies.
Sugar-free menthol Menthoplus Candies have low energy input since its daily recommended portion (4 candies) has 64 kcal. This energy input is due to the use of polyols as replacements of sugar. It is important to remember that, as it contains polyols, excessive consumption can generate undesirable effects.
The roles of each of them are:
The product has no preservatives. It is preserved thanks to the high sugar content that inhibits the proliferation of microorganisms.
These candies have 33% less calories than regular La Vaca Lechera candies. This is why we use the phrase “Low-Calorie”, according to the regulations contained in the Argentine Food Code. This caloric reduction is mainly based on the use of polyols (isomalt, maltitol syrup) and sucralose (non-nutritive sweetener).
Butter Toffees candies contain animal fat mainly coming from butter and fluid whole milk. These ingredients are informed on the product label.
No white sugar is used in the preparation of low-calorie apple water ice cream. Sugar content declared in the nutritional information comes from fruit pulp.
A diabetic patient's diet must be controlled by a professional.
Fiber content is 11g. Considering that a sugar-free product is concerned, sugar was replaced by ingredients that, in addition to having sweet flavor, are rich in fibers, and the value mentioned above is obtained from its composition.
The seeds are characterized for providing energy. In addition, they provide essential fatty acids that the human body cannot produce and that we need to incorporate with food. Alternatively, they are rich in fibers, vitamins and minerals.
Product | Omega 3 % | % Omega 6% | Omega 9 |
Hogareñas Salvado — (Bran) | 0,05 | 1,05 | 11 |
Hogareñas Mix de Cereales — (Cereal Mix) | 0,06 | 1,24 | 13 |
Hogareñas Sésamo — (Sesame) | 0,10 | 2,10 | 14 |
Hogareñas 7 Semillas — (7 Seeds) | 0,07 | 1,43 | 12 |
Vocación cookies contain the cholesterol reported in the nutrition labels.
This statement, and “It should be borne in mind that these nutrients can be obtained from other sources”, are intended to comply with the regulatory requirements applicable to fortified foods and were incorporated to observe the applicable regulations effective in Uruguay and to market the product in the neighboring country.
A portion of Vocación cookies accounts for 20% of the daily reference values of iron and vitamins (thiamine or B1, riboflavin or B2 and folic acid or B9).
All cereal bars: Cereal Mix, Original, Coco and Chocolate, Chocolate and Almonds, Granola, Granola with Chocolate, Passion of Chocolate, Vanilla Yogurt, Strawberry Yogurt, Low-Calorie Strawberry Yogurt, Low-Calorie Peach and Low-Calorie Apple, have a shelf life of 9 months. Filled Cereal Mix bars have a shelf life of 8 months.
Cereal bars with no bottom have a 10% moisture content. Such cereal bars are: Original Cereal Mix, Chocolate and Almonds Cereal Mix, Granola Cereal Mix, Low-Calorie Peach Cereal Mix, Low-Calorie Apple Cereal Mix. Cereal bars with a bottom have an 8% moisture content. Such cereal bars are: Granola Cereal Mix with Chocolate, Coco and Chocolate Cereal Mix, Strawberry Yogurt Cereal Mix, Low-Calorie Strawberry Yogurt Cereal Mix, Vanilla Yogurt Cereal Mix and Chocolate Passion Cereal Mix.
The product contains crispy rice, rolled oats, rice flakes, puffed wheat and corn flakes.
Yogurt powder is understood as the product obtained from dehydration of yogurt.
No gelatin or gelatin derivatives are contained.
Almost all the fat of the product comes from high oleic sunflower oil. Other ingredients such as cereals, dehydrated fruits and yogurt powder contain smaller amounts. As regards Low-Calorie Strawberry Yogurt Cereal Mix bars, the coating also has fat since it contains vegetable oil.