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What you like in #YourRightPortionSize (#TuPorciónJusta)

Thanks to this program, you will be able to easily and clearly recognize the suggested portion sizes of your favorite food in order to nourish yourself daily in a tasty and healthy way.

At Arcor we believe that a healthy lifestyle represents a balanced life in which taking a trear and taking care of your health go together. There is no good or bad food, the secret lies in knowing how often and in what portion sizes we can eat what we like.

For this reason, Arcor created Tu Porción Justa (Your Right portion Size), a pioneering program in Argentina through which Arcor seeks to help consumers maintain a balanced diet. This initiative is aimed at food that is consumed as snacks and it signals by means of a green logo on the package what is the recommended as daily portion size, within the framework of a varied and balanced diet that includes all food groups.

Program’s Goals:

  • To provide the consumer with alternatives of products packed in individual portions with a set weight and calorie limit, thus facilitating self-regulation so that they can adopt a varied and balanced diet.
  • To educate the consumer by providing information on the suggested portion size, especially of the food that does not come in an individual portion size presentation.

Therefore, this logo is applied to individually packaged products, in multi-portions products and in very small individually packaged products.

The products that are part of this initiative comply with a double criterion: they contain a quantity in grams to be consumed per day that is within the range established for each type of product by the Mercosur legislation and, in addition, they have a maximum of 150 kcal per individual container.

Get to know the products that are part of this initiative. More and more products will be soon incorporated.

Presentation with journalists, nutritionists and influencers

Within the framework of the presentation of the Tu Porción Justa (Your Right Portion Size) program, we organized a meeting aimed at journalists, nutritionists and influencers from the world of food with the aim of providing information and answering questions.

During this meeting we had the participation of Dr. Monica Katz, who explained the importance of handling portions in a healthy diet, and Dr. Diego Golombek who spoke about the brain mechanisms of hunger and satiety that contribute to a healthy diet and a fair intake.

Marcelo Siano, General Manager of Massive Consumption of Argentina and Southern Subsidiaries, presented the group's Nourishing and Healthy Lifestyle Strategy, which seeks to promote a healthy diet through three pillars: scientific evidence, communication and the product portfolio, while Florencia Canova, Head of Nutritional Development, shared the guidelines and criteria on which the program is based.

Finally, Valeria Abadi, Corporate Manager of Institutional Communication and Marketing Services, announced the results of the "What do you eat between meals?" survey, among which the following data stood out: 70% of the people surveyed said that they usually ate snacks and 66% said that they usually choose gratification options such as sweets, cookies, salty snacks and desserts, while 63% said that the snacks have a positive effect on improving their mood.

Tu Porción Justa is a pioneering program in Argentina through which Arcor seeks to help the consumer to maintain a balanced diet without restrictions. It is based on scientific evidence and takes as reference the criteria established by the Argentine Food Guidelines and the Mercosur Legislation. In short, the program aims to be a tool that contributes to the quality of life of consumers through education and an example for the entire industry.

To read more information about Tu Porción Justa, click here.

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